Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When I was pregnant, I found that there were endless choices of books and websites that would document pregnancy week by week and month by month.  Pregnancy is so predictable, that doctors know exactly what a baby will be doing each day, week and month of pregnancy.  We can know when the heart beats, when the eyes develop, when the baby can suck its thumb.  It was fascinating to me and I read two books and subscribed to two web calendars all telling me essentialy the same thing.  Some show drawings, some pictures, some ultrasounds to show what the baby looked like at each point during the pregnancy.  I looked up 'pregnancy week by week' on amazon.com and it came up with 1038 products.  1038! A search online brought up too many websites to count.  People like Lennart Nilson have brought fetal development to a whole new level with real, live pictures and ultrasounds, both 2D and 4D, give us the opportunity to see a human child at every stage of development.

So, why with all of that information at our fingertips, do people still believe and fight for abortion to be legal? I watched a Planned Parenthood rally video the other day hearing people say how proud they were to have had an abortion, or that they would get one if they found out they were pregnant without a tinge of remorse.  People still believe that a human child is a 'lump of tissue' apparently until the moment of birth and therefore is expendable.  Perhaps it is that there is a divide.  If a child is 'wanted' and a product of a loving relationship within a family that can support its existence, all of those books and websites will show you what to expect.  However, if the child is a 'mistake', a product of a one-night stand, rape or bad relationship or that child will be born into a family that will struggle to support it, it is simply a blob of tissue with no purpose and can be aborted.  Is that true? Goodness, no! People will try to make the 'truth' bend to fit their circumstances.  But what we fail to realize is that truth is fact.  Is is not arbitrary or relative. It just IS.  The truth is that a human being begins as a fertilized egg and develops over an average of 80 to 90 years when he or she will die.  A human being does not begin as a baby.  Being a woman is an honor, a privilege and a blessing to be given the opportunity to nurture a brand new, never to be created again, human being. That opportunity is being squandered.  I'm beginning to believe babies would be safer grown in test tubes so we can see them than in the hidden recesses of a woman's body.

We fight in this country to protect children from all sorts of abuses.  We mourn the loss of children to childhood disease, kidnappings and murders, yet close to 4,000 children die each day in this country at the hand of doctors who swore to protect all of their patients.  We fight more for the rights of animals than we do for the rights of these precious babies.

I recently read that 41% of pregnancies in New York City are aborted.  Nearly half of the children conceived in one city die before birth.  The numbers are similar in DC. What are we doing?! I can't believe that something like this is legal.  I just don't understand. It literally keeps me up at night.

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